7 Common Mistakes Small Business Owners Make with their Website

Owning a business is hard work. And with the constant evolution of technology, it can be difficult to keep up with all of the changes and updates that are happening in your industry. One way you can stay ahead of the curve is by ensuring your website is always updated so that customers have an enjoyable experience when they visit your site.

In this post, I’ll outline six common mistakes small businesses make with their website – and how to avoid them. 

Mistake #1: Not having a responsive website

As more and more customers use their mobile or tablet devices to access the web, it’s important that your site is responsive.  If your website isn’t responsive, you’re not treating your customers right! Customers who visit a business website on a mobile device expect the experience to be seamless – down to clicking links that may take them to an off-site landing page. If your site isn’t fully responsive, users will not convert as readily as they might on a non-responsive site.

Mistake #2: Making their site difficult to navigate

Another common mistake many small business owners make is making their site too complicated to navigate. Your website should be easy for people to use – so don’t make it difficult for users to find what they’re looking for.  Many sites have the same basic structure:

Homepage with a call-to-action (CTA) button on the bottom right of screen, and a video or image slider showcasing content from your business. Navigation bar that provides links to your various pages and services, which may include blog entries, social media profiles and contact information that can direct viewers back to the homepage. Social sharing buttons at the top of every page so visitors can tell everyone about their experience with you by clicking one simple button!

Mistake #3: Using an outdated website design

One of the most important rules to remember when designing your site – make sure it looks professional. And while you may think that you have a professional-looking website because your friend designed it, chances are she’s not up to date on all of today’s design trends and practices. For that reason, turn to an expert for advice on how to spruce up your site so that it can keep pace with current trends in web design.

Mistake #4: Having no call-to-action

No matter what type of business you run, you need to have a call-to-action (CTA) button on your site. This will help direct traffic to where you want it to go: whether that’s for them to register for an event, download your mobile app or purchase from your online store.

Think about what you want your visitors to do once they arrive on your webpage.

The more specific you can make the CTA, the better.

These are all examples of effective Call-to-Action text:

  • Call for a consultation
  • Schedule an appointment
  • Register now
  • Download the app
  • Shop NOW
  • Join our mailing list
  • Subscribe to my newsletter

Mistake #5: Neglecting to update content regularly

Your website should be the hub of your online presence – and an effective way to keep customers coming back for more. If you want people to return regularly, you need frequent updates about industry trends, new product offerings or special promotions. This helps build trust with potential customers while providing existing clients with relevant information that they can share through social media channels.   

Mistake #6: Including too much social media

Call me crazy, but I don’t think that you should have too many links to your social media accounts on your business website.


Because social media is there to drive traffic TO your website; not AWAY from your website.

Because Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the rest are “top of the funnel” to use sales terms. That

means you want to get your customers’ attention and direct them to your website for more information. 

Use social media in a strategic way, linking out from your site when it makes sense. And remember, if you don’t have time (or the people power) to maintain active accounts – don’t link to them on your site!

However, it is important that you take advantage of the “social” aspect of social media by encouraging visitors to share their experiences with others through Facebook and other channels.   This provides word-of-mouth marketing at its best!

Mistake #7: Ignoring the importance of SEO optimization.

SEO is a whole other can of worms. Entire books have been written about the mystic arts of getting thousands of visitors to your website using the magic of SEO.

And while it’s true that optimizing your site for search engines like Google is essential, it’s also very important to make sure that you’re communicating with users and not just bots.   This means writing compelling content about your business that speaks directly to your target audience as well as adding user-friendly features like videos, podcasts and engaging social media posts.

I hope that you have found this article helpful in identifying the mistakes small business owners make with their website. It’s important to take time and consider how your site will be used by visitors before designing it so that there is a clear call-to-action for every page on your site.

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